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EGZ & Associates, LLC


Areas of Practice

  • Whether it’s domestic violence or murder, Alec Egizi has seen it all. He isn’t afraid to take on the toughest cases and has saved his clients from potential life sentences on several occasions.

  • Driving Under the Influence in Colorado is a serious crime. Even a first offense can cause you to lose your driver's license and can very often include a jail sentence. Alec Egizi is a seasoned DUI defender who has defended clients in nearly all the jurisdictions in the Denver metro area.

  • Juvenile Law in Colorado is harsh. A juvenile delinquency charge can stay with a child for the rest of his life. Juvenile Law is also obscure and arcane. Very few lawyers, even the most experienced, feel comfortable in juvenile court. Alec Egizi is widely regarded as one of the best if not the very best Juvenile Lawyer in the state. If your child is charged with a serious offense he is the best advocate you could hope for.

  • Colorado has recently allowed many criminal charges to be cleared from someone's record. If a criminal charge from your past has been haunting you, Alec Egizi may be able to seal that record from the public, allowing people who have made mistakes in the past but have turned things around to move forward.


Contact us for a free consultation: